Wednesday, February 11, 2009


This word has been on my mind a lot lately. COMFORTABLE, COMFORT. Hmm. For some reason I think of a couch that is incredibly soft and embraces me pulling me down gently into a lulled state of satisfaction. And, oh yes, I might as well put my feet up too. Ahh, now this is liv’n. Or is it. It is interesting because I looked up comfort in the dictionary just the other day. The second part of the definition said just that. “Affording or enjoying physical comfort” even the examples blew me away -a comfortable chair- -was too comfortable to move-. Wow, that hit me of how often that is my whole goal in this life, and even with God. God will you make me comfortable? Will you give me everything I want? Will you not ask me to do difficult things? Can I just stay right here?

I thought it was interesting how the first part of the definition had to do with “affording”, and how we so often think that comfort or maybe satisfaction comes hand in hand with this affording piece. If I am not careful these definitions, thoughts, and ideals can quickly guide me down a road leading nowhere fast. “Go on, just put your feet up and relax.” “Somebody else will take care of it.” Go ahead, you deserve it.

There was another definition listed for comfort too. It was affording or enjoying contentment and security. Why when I here this do I think of having things or a job or stuff in the bank, as if that is what keeps me free from doubt, stress or tension. It seems like the few times I am in this position I am nearly lulled to sleep and forget that this life is about so much more and that He offers so much more. It may be hard, difficult, unknown… but oh, that is where my true satisfaction is found. Comfort in Him. That is life, That’s liv’n. That is where the adventure, and contentment is found. That is where I want to rest.

It seems the times that I have grown the most in my relationship with Jesus are during difficult or uncomfortable times. When I am stretched, pushed, and challenged to step outside what I know. What I am comfortable with.

I was challenge in this thinking after a conversation with Aaron and Lori Luse,, living examples of this, who are missionaries living in Papua New Guinea. To hear more about their adventures and how they have gotton off the couch listen to podcast #3 found on the audio portion of our site.
Don’t just sit and watch what God is doing. Get up and Join Him. It will be well worth it!

Psalm 119
36 Turn my heart toward your statutes and not toward selfish gain.
37 Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word.
76 May your unfailing love be my comfort, according to your promise to your servant.



Blogger Jim Ellis said...

very good post.

i wonder if one can be content outside of comfort.

keep blogging, i very much enjoy reading.

blessings from sioux city,


7:17 AM  
Anonymous Bigg Bubba said...

... wat ju r sayin iz 4realz!!!. this girl ive been dating is a believer rt???... so natuerally i tink she s/b perfect... that what i expect fr her s/surpass the actions of a non.believer rt??... but its like when Pastor Ronnie sd 1tym huh??... that it is only a matter of time b4 he would let us all down!!! not if, but when huh??... so our "true" comfort will only & can only come from ~Christ Almighty!!!... not mere humans, full of fault & limitations huh??... jup.jup.jup. I'd rather "tap" n2 Gods limitless powergrid & possibilities of unlimited power & resources, than settle for a grain of sand on "HIS"

12:06 PM  

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