Thursday, April 10, 2008

oh so short

I just got blindsided by and email. I have been trying to get back to work for about 20 minutes now but I can't shake it. I sit here numb, shocked, hurt, and I feel as though a rock is sitting in my chest. I thought writing a few words that come deep from my heart may help.

This last Sunday I was asked to speak at the church I grew up in. It really was a neat and encouraging time to share my heart for a missional life, and to hear stories of those who I had shepherded sharing a similar heart. One particular man sat right in front of my wife during the service and we were greeted by a smile and hug and able to talk a bit before the service started. After the service finished he came and talked with me for a bit. His first words were...

"Welcome back home."

Now he knows that I now have a new home, but I understood what he was telling me. We love you. It is good to have you back friend. He ended by saying, "we miss you."

"We are praying for you."

He and his dear wife have prayed for us and encouraged us since the first time we met him. They have always smiled and said a kind word whenever we would run into each other.

I had no idea that only hours after our conversation he would suffer a massive heart attack leaving him in a comma never to wake again.

He died Wednesday.

I just received an email about it this afternoon.

It hurts.

Now, Dave knew Jesus, and Dave followed Jesus. He had given his life to Christ.

We are promised an abundant life with Christ for eternity, because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, and Dave realized the truth and fullness of this gift and believed in Jesus. Followed Him. Trusted Him.

Don't get me wrong this gives me tremendous hope, and peace.

But it still hurts.

Sue. I hurt with you.

I pray for you and you the rest of your family.

I celebrate his life with you. We love you guys.

Dave, we will miss you.

Thank you for a life well lived.

How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone. James 4:14


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